The Best of 2017 – RPP Articles

Here, in Part 2 of this series, are this year’s top 5 most popular articles on miscellaneous topics, including wasting money, showcases, secret sauces and our year-end review for 2017 and beyond…

1. Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Headed (2017 Year End Review) – Sometimes until you step back and review the work that’s been done for the year, it’s hard to realize how deep you’ve been in the trenches. This recap of the year was especially enlightening for me.  Where we’re headed… as we wrap up 2017, we’re looking forward to getting bigger and better in 2018. More metrics, cutting edge training and hopefully a 2nd facility are a few of the topics discussed in this popular article… click here

2. Please Stop Wasting Your Money – With a cavalcade of showcases showing up all the time, we tried to give you the athlete (and consumer) some things to look out for, to make sure you’re getting the “best bang for your buck”, as well as the the best training possible… click here

3. Top 5 Things I Learned About Showcases – My partner Bahram Shirazi has spent many years sitting through the cattle call we call showcases. Here, he sheds some light from a parent’s viewpoint as to what they mean for a young athlete, when they’re necessary and when you’re wasting your time… click here

4. You’re Projectable… But What’s Your Trajectory – This was a very popular article about a common term we hear all the time… “Projectable”.  What it really means and the expectations that come with it… click here

5. What’s Your Secret Sauce – People often ask us “what makes you guys different?” Here, my partner does a great job of what we feel keeps us on the cutting edge… click here

See ya’ in the gym…

By Nunzio Signore (B.A., CSCS, CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

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