The Scapular Stabilizers… Why Are They Mission Critical? – Part 2

In Part 1 of this 2-Part article, we review scapular stability, why it’s important and the fact that training it does not happen in isolation. We also covered some of the big players, namely strength and motor control of the cuff as well as tissue quality of the internal rotators. Today, in Part 2, we’re going to sum up the rest of the big players and talk a bit about putting it all together.

Let’s go…

Continue reading “The Scapular Stabilizers… Why Are They Mission Critical? – Part 2”

Podcast #129: College Baseball Recruiting with Sam Sharf, RPP Director of Recruiting

Today, I’m sitting down with Sam Sharf, RPP’s new Director of Recruiting. Sam brings with him over 12 years of baseball coaching and recruiting experience. Topics Include:

    • When is a good time to look into hiring a recruiter?
    • What’s involved in an initial recruiting eval?
    • Top focal points when preparing to choose as recruiter

Continue reading “Podcast #129: College Baseball Recruiting with Sam Sharf, RPP Director of Recruiting”

Passive vs. Active Hip and Shoulder Mobility… Why It Matters?

Hip and Shoulder Mobility

Putting your foot up on a table and stretching out your hamstring might feel good and can give you some temporary relief if done for long enough and frequently, but this newfound “Passive” range-of-motion (ROM) will more than likely NOT transfer to game play. This, requires what we call “Active” ROM.

Why? Let’s get into it…

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Podcast #128: Training Strength in an Elite College Setting with Jamie Burleson at FSU

Jamie Burleson

This week we’re sitting down with Florida State Strength and Conditioning Coach Jamie Burleson to talk about training strength with the elite college population. Topics Include:

    • Incoming Recruits, What to Expect on Day 1
    • The Importance of a Great Baseline Assessment
    • The Lack of Dedicated High School Strength Coaches in the Northeast

Continue reading “Podcast #128: Training Strength in an Elite College Setting with Jamie Burleson at FSU”

Podcast #127: Turning on the Lower Half for Better Lead Leg Stability

Lower Half Strength

Today we’re talking about creating a more efficient lead leg block through lower half activation with PT Greg LaMendola.  Topics Include:

    • Removing blocks in the kinetic chain
    • The Soleus and Piriformis muscles and their association with lead leg stability
    • More efficient transfer of power from lower to upper half

Continue reading “Podcast #127: Turning on the Lower Half for Better Lead Leg Stability”

The Scapular Stabilizers… Why Are They Mission Critical? – Part 1

What is Scapular Stability?

The Scapula (shoulder blade) attaches to your ribcage via two main muscles, the serratus anterior and the trapezius. These muscles (with help from the Rhomboids), pull in different directions to help keep your shoulder blade stable while your arm moves and accepts force. They are otherwise known as your “scapula stabilizers”. Why is it Important? Continue reading “The Scapular Stabilizers… Why Are They Mission Critical? — Part 1”

Training Power with Post-Activation Potentiation (PAP)

I love to use the phrase, “training doesn’t happen in isolation”. In other words, there’s a time to train strength and a time to learn to apply that strength quickly. Post-activation potentiation (referred to from here on out as “PAP”) is a phase we use once harder throwing begins at the mid-point of the off-season with our more advanced athletes to train explosive power.

What exactly is PAP?

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Podcast #125: ABCA Highlights and Human Performance with Dr. Jimmy Onate

Jimmy Onate

After speaking at last week’s ABCA, today I’m sitting down with Dr. Jimmy Onate, Director of Human Performance at the Ohio State University to discuss last week’s convention… and a lot more!! Topics include:

    • What is the ABCA experience
    • What it offers that’s different from other conventions
    • Jimmy’s role in the Performance Lab at OSU

Continue reading “Podcast #125: ABCA Highlights and Human Performance with Dr. Jimmy Onate”

Podcasts #124: A Day in the Life of an S&C Coach in Pro Ball with Zach Kollar

Today, we’re sitting down with S&C Coach Zach Kollar with the Toronto Blue Jays, who was also formerly the Director of S&C at RPP Baseball. Topics Include:

    • How a great internship can prepare you for a job in pro ball
    • The difference in coaching when going from the private sector to pro ball
    • Juggling training volume and starts for pitchers

Continue reading “Podcasts #124: A Day in the Life of an S&C Coach in Pro Ball with Zach Kollar”