The Best of 2019 – Strength Training Articles

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CSCS, CPT, NASM, FMS)

As we get closer to a new year I would like to look back and get a bit reflective. A few years ago, I started a series in which I posted the most popular blogs of the year. These are the articles that received the most traffic, according to our hosting statistics. It seems to be a favorite of everyone, so here we go again with the most popular of our strength training articles for 2019. Continue reading “The Best of 2019 – Strength Training Articles”

Creating Stability and Better Energy Transfer in the Swing

I was sitting with our Director of Hitting Evan Klugerman yesterday and he brought up a great point regarding efficient sequencing and mechanics when looking at K-Vest data. While collecting data for our high school guys, he was surprised at how many inconsistencies there were in sequencing from swing to swing within the same player profile, as compared to the MiLB guys he had been testing last year with the Orioles. I thought it would be a great quick blog. Continue reading “Creating Stability and Better Energy Transfer in the Swing”

Top 10 Things to Do to Get Recruited for College Baseball

college recruiting tips

There’s no doubt the baseball college recruiting process is a maze. Parents and players often don’t know where to begin. There is really no road map and no guidelines.  Hopefully, this article will help put some parameters around what needs to get done before and during the summer months.

Here’s my list of Top 10 things to do during the summer to get recruited for college baseball.  I have attempted to list these in series.  Much of this might seem basic, but you’d be surprised how many parents ask us “where should we begin?”

Continue reading “Top 10 Things to Do to Get Recruited for College Baseball”

Case Study (Sean Hard): How to Throw a Changeup

sean hard

Rapsodo pitching cameras measure critical data points for instantaneous feedback. At RPP, we utilize this technology to further the development of the pitchers that train at our facility. Out of the numerous metrics Rapsodo measures, we specifically focus on three topics:

    • Spin Axis
    • Horizontal Movement
    • Vertical Movement

These metrics allow us to get a feel for how well a pitcher is able to manipulate the baseball and create movement among the different pitches in his arsenal. Continue reading “Case Study (Sean Hard): How to Throw a Changeup”

How to Train for Athleticism in Pitchers

Training Athleticism in Pitchers - Part 1 Top

In order to effectively train for athleticism in pitchers we first need to:

    1. Understand Key Points in the Delivery – Understand the key points in the delivery and how to develop effective power by training it in the weight room
    2. Addressing Energy Leaks – Identify and fix energy leaks (mechanics / disconnects)
    3. Customizing Throwing and Strength Training Programs – Be able to assess what “type” of pitcher we are dealing with in order to effectively train them to produce optimum power to throw a baseball

Let’s get started… Continue reading “How to Train for Athleticism in Pitchers”

New Jersey’s Most Comprehensive Baseball Training Facility

baseball training facility

RPP Baseball is a high performance baseball training facility located in Paramus (Bergen county), New Jersey. From the weight room to our pitching and hitting programs, we utilize the latest in technology, in a holistic and data-driven approach which allows us to assess, train and re-assess players on an ongoing basis. Our athletes are walking testimonials as to the power of our highly customized programming. Below is a summary of our extensive services for pitchers and baseball players: Continue reading “New Jersey’s Most Comprehensive Baseball Training Facility”

Blast Motion Baseball Metrics, Rotation, Angles and Power

blast motion baseball

In my previous internship before RPP, part of my responsibilities included watching Minor League baseball games. After my first few games, I noticed a recurring trend, every player wore a Blast Motion Baseball sensor during the game. As I saw more organizations’ Minor League teams, not all had their players wear the sensors; however, the idea behind it was simple, data collection.

At RPP, we use Blast Motion sensors for the same purpose, and this allows us to help identify and develop athletes’ inefficiencies. The only difference is we do not have the ability to collect data from athletes’ in-game at-bats. Therefore, we collect data from batting practice at our facility and are still able to get a good picture of what an athlete does well, and what they struggle with.

Continue reading “Blast Motion Baseball Metrics, Rotation, Angles and Power”

Patrick Jones Podcast – Building Baseball Players

I wanted to bring to your attention a recent Podcast that I participated in with Patrick Jones Baseball. Patrick is one of the premier hitting coaches in the US and he has been running a podcast for quite some time. We covered a wide variety of topics but here are a few that stand out:

    • Using strength / mobility to help adjust mechanics
    • Velocity-Based Training (VBT)
    • Reading kinematic sequence charts and related information
    • Mechanical differences between loose and tight movers

Building Baseball Players with Nunzio Signore

Youth Baseball Strength Training, Facts and Myths

Youth Baseball Strength Training

Some of my most rewarding experiences have come from watching young athletes get stronger, more athletic and honestly just crush it on the field.  Strength is still the foundation of most athletic qualities; the best part is, it’s also the most trainable in the younger age groups. Youth baseball strength training should be a part of every athlete’s development and progression.  And let me start this article by saying this:

Continue reading “Youth Baseball Strength Training, Facts and Myths”