Podcast #120: Off-Season To Do List with TCU’s Zach Dechant

Today we’re sitting down with Zach Dechant Strength and Conditioning and Performance Coach at Texas Christian University (TCU). Today’s topic is going through the off-season “to-do” list. Topics Include:

    • Some main bullet points to achieve in a great off-season protocol
    • Testing and assessing on Day 1
    • Periodization

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Podcast #119: Testing and Training the Shoulder for Optimum Health and Performance

Today, I’ll be discussing testing and training the shoulder to help both optimize performance, as well as help reduce the risk of injury.

Topics include:

    • The importance of optimizing both movement AND stability
    • Testing protocols
    • Training and rehabbing the shoulder / elbow

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Dynamic Neuromuscular Training for Pitchers

DNS or “Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization” is a training method that was developed by Czech physiotherapist Pavel Kovar in the 1990’s and was brought to the forefront of training 10 years ago with the release of Frans Bosch’s book, “Strength Training and Coordination”.  It’s fair to say that it has since struck the baseball player development realm by storm.

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Podcast #116: Newest Advancements in Tommy John Repair and Recovery with Dr. Casey Pierce

Today we’re sitting down with Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Casey Pierce to discuss the Triple Tommy John Procedure, the newest advancements in Tommy John repair and recovery. Topics include:

    • What makes it different than traditional TJ surgery
    • Quicker recovery / back-to-play time
    • The step-by-step process

Continue reading “Podcast #116: Newest Advancements in Tommy John Repair and Recovery with Dr. Casey Pierce”

Podcast #115: RPP Pitching Lab… What to Look for in an Off-season Training Protocol for Pitchers

With the off-season upon us, today, we’re going to sit down and answer a few questions that we get asked often regarding what to look for in a great off-season training protocol for pitchers. Topics include the following, among others:

    • An outline in Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD)
    • The importance of determining Strength vs. stability
    • Assessing on day 1 (not an option)

Continue reading “Podcast #115: RPP Pitching Lab… What to Look for in an Off-season Training Protocol for Pitchers”

How to Measure Force and Power Production in the Lower Half

All pitchers want to know the best way to throw harder. Some think that you need to lift heavy all year round, some believe that speed and plyometric training is more important. While there is nothing wrong with either of these approaches, the answer lies in the middle and that is Power. Training Power is key during the offseason when it comes to throwing hard and overall being a more complete athlete. One may ask how you determine someone’s power, and we do that through Vald’s ForceDecks Force Plates. Giving us metrics such as Force, Velocity, and Power, we can see where the athlete needs to improve to ultimately up their Power Output.

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