In-Season Training… Starting Strong, Finishing Stronger

Getting strong in the off-season to prepare for great performance on the field is paramount, but let’s not forget that it’s the athlete that finishes the season as strong as he started that usually reaps the most reward. Drops in velo, both on the mound and off the bat, as well as injuries, can all be a result of not training during the season. Pros do it, collegiate players do it.  You should as well.  So, you basically are the creator of your own destiny. Continue reading “In-Season Training… Starting Strong, Finishing Stronger”

Baseball Warm-up When You Only Have 5 Minutes

baseball warm-up

I was having a conversation about big league ball with RPP pitching coach Robbie Aviles a while back and he mentioned that many times as a relief pitcher with the Cleveland Indians, he barely got a chance to warm-up before throwing. As a matter of fact, he sometimes got just about enough time to take off his jacket and throw a few pitches.  This made me think back on an article I remember reading by Mike Reinold where he talked about a baseball warm-up protocol that includes exercises to increase shoulder ROM, Mobility, Activation, and Dynamic Movement all done in a circuit that takes less than 5 minutes to perform!! Continue reading “Baseball Warm-up When You Only Have 5 Minutes”

Top 10 Things I Learned About College Baseball Recruiting

College baseball recruiting
As a parent who has gone through the college recruiting process I can tell you this, it’s a maze with no roadmap.  There are so many different topics, and there is really no one telling you what to do, or what’s right and/or what’s wrong.  I am by no means an expert, but I did learn a few valuable things along the way and for the record, most of my knowledge revolves around D1 and D3 programs.  So with that said, here are the top 10 things I learned about college baseball recruiting.

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Testing and Training the Complete Pitcher… Power / Elasticity – Part 2

With the season beginning to get underway, I thought it would be a great time to emphasize that while practice is great for your “technical” work, improving your throwing velocity, exit velocity and first step quickness all start by improving and maintaining power and elasticity. These are developed in the gym and are the topics in Part 2 of this 3 Part series on training the complete pitcher (click here to read Part 1). Continue reading “Testing and Training the Complete Pitcher… Power / Elasticity — Part 2”

Baseball Spin Rate Basics and Pitch Movement

baseball spin rate

Tomorrow’s elite pitchers have to learn and take advantage of the implications of data analysis.  Advancements in technology have brought newly available data on baseball spin rate and pitch movement and other valuable information to the doorsteps of commercial baseball facilities and the future will be never be the same (what!?).

Image above by:

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Testing and Training the Complete Pitcher… Where do You Fall? Part1

Different types of race cars produce speed in different ways. They also switch gears in different ways to reach top speed.  Well, so do pitchers. In this 3 Part series, we’ll take a look at some of what I believe to be six of the biggest topics when determining and/or training a pitcher’s athleticism. Continue reading “Testing and Training the Complete Pitcher… Where do You Fall? Part1”