Today we’re sitting down with Liberty Baseball Pitching Coach Tyler Robinson. Topics Include:
- 3 game changers for producing big arms
- Overcoming mental challenges
- Assessing an athlete’s potential for development
Prior to joining the Liberty Flames this year, Coach Robinson had completed eight season as a member of the Campbell baseball coaching staff, most recently as Pitching Coach. Since 2015, his first season on staff, the Camels had won an average of over 30 per year, with 42 all-conference picks and 16 All-America selections.
He came to Campbell from Brunswick Community College (BCC), where he served as the Dolphins’ pitching coach and recruiting coordinator. Prior to BCC, he was a student assistant at Elon, where he graduated in 2013 with a degree in business management.
Coach Robinson can be reached on his Twitter account @trob1023.
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