RPP Pain Report Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Coach's name submitting report *-- Select --Andrew PezzutoMatt GoehrigBill WalshNiko LeontarakisMatt HartshornAlex SicaMike BrizzolaraNunzio SignoreAthlete name *FirstLastAgeHeight (5'11")Weight (lbs)Type of pain (pain, soreness, tightness, etc.) *PainSoreness / TightnessOther (please explain in comments below)Location *Anterior ShoulderPosterior ShoulderMedial ElbowPosterior ElbowBicepsTricepsLower BackUpper BackLead HipRear HipOther (please explain in comments below)Comments (if any)...When do you feel it *Strength trainingThrowingHittingCombination of aboveWhen did pain begin (2 weeks ago, yesterday, etc.)Any other pain, or recent and unrelated injury...MessageSubmit