Ankle Mobility and Strength / Stability… You Need BOTH! – Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, we talked about mobility at the foot / ankle complex and the importance of setting up the lower half for success, whether it be initiating a hip hinge or creating better ROM in the weight room.  Today, in part 2, we’re going to talk about adding strength and stability to our newfound mobility in order to create higher ground reaction forces (GRF). This is pure gold for athletes looking to increase force output (or explosiveness) while reducing the risk of injury.

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How to Improve Shoulder IR in the Off-Season

Being efficient and staying healthy as a pitcher is highly reliant on both internal (IR) and external (ER) ranges of motion at the shoulder.  In this article, we are going to focus on the IR side of things.

    • What exactly is shoulder IR
    • Why is it important to baseball players
    • What are some of the more common causes of poor IR
    • How to assess passive vs. active ranges of IR
    • When to train shoulder IR

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How to Measure Force and Power Production in the Lower Half

All pitchers want to know the best way to throw harder. Some think that you need to lift heavy all year round, some believe that speed and plyometric training is more important. While there is nothing wrong with either of these approaches, the answer lies in the middle and that is Power. Training Power is key during the offseason when it comes to throwing hard and overall being a more complete athlete. One may ask how you determine someone’s power, and we do that through Vald’s ForceDecks Force Plates. Giving us metrics such as Force, Velocity, and Power, we can see where the athlete needs to improve to ultimately up their Power Output.

Continue reading “How to Measure Force and Power Production in the Lower Half”