
Rockland Peak Performance (“RPP” or “RPP Baseball”) is a high performance indoor baseball training facility located in Paramus (Bergen county) in north New Jersey.  We provide an unparalleled atmosphere that combines extensive strength training knowledge with a cutting-edge scientific approach to developing our pitchers and ball players.

From the weight room to our pitching and hitting programs, we utilize the latest in technology, in a holistic and data-driven approach which allows us to assess, train and re-assess players on an ongoing basis.  Our athletes are walking testimonials as to the power of our highly customized programming.

Strength Training – Our world-class programming is 100% designed around the athlete and is highly specialized and customized for each athlete’s strengths and weaknesses.  It is a complete top to bottom protocol with a focus on further developing movement (mobility) and functional strength to help improve overall performance.

Pitching – For pitchers, we offer a variety of different programs specifically designed to address the specific needs of each athlete.  They are targeted to help every pitcher get to the next level.

Jackson Hinchliffe

The following is a summary of the various offerings:

    • Pitching Programs – The pitching programs are specifically designed for pitchers whose main priority is developing into a complete pitcher. Through correcting energy leaks in the delivery, analyzing and realigning pitch movement patterns through pitch design and data analytics / high speed video, improving mobility and arm care, and becoming more explosive through strength training, and improving kinematic sequencing pitchers will be given the opportunity to excel to their fullest on the mound.
    • Summer Throwing Program – We offer a 12-week comprehensive velocity program during the summer months.  The program is for eligible pitchers (ages 16 and older) looking to achieve a “higher velocity ceiling” through the development of arm speed and full–body strength.  The Summer Throwing Program is designed to accommodate summer travel ball by adjusting the amount of throwing and strength training.

Hitting – For ball players, we offer a variety of different programs specifically designed to address their specific needs.  They are targeted to help every player get to the next level.

    • Hitting Programs – Our hitting program is designed with a singular focus of improving player’s performance at the plate.  It is a complete program which (depending on age) incorporates an upfront hitting assessment, kinematic review and analysis and correctives and complete review of swing and batted ball metrics.  Incorporating assessments and hitting data analytics into how we train players is a bit of an art. Since each and every player is different in every way, the key is to parse through the information and determine which pieces are relevant for each player.

Please click here for additional details on our baseball training facility and development programs.

RPP Store – We now offer our own E-commerce store with a variety of products and packages related to training pitchers and baseball players.  You can access the store under the “Shop” tab on the website menu or directly by clicking on the image below.

RPP Baseball Store

Articles and Blogs – We continuously write a variety of articles that cover miscellaneous topics relating to baseball training and developing pitchers and ball players.  Click here for the latest.

Questions – Please check out our FAQ page.

RPP Motion Capture Lab

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