How to Increase Your Bat Speed in the Weight Room

Interested in increasing your bat speed in the weight room? Click here for our “remote” strength training program for position players.

How to increase bat speed is a topic that gets a lot of attention and interest from our baseball players.  Today, we’re going to review 6 topics and related exercises to increase bat speed in the weight room that are paramount and should be addressed in any training program: Continue reading “How to Increase Your Bat Speed in the Weight Room”

Best of 2021… Strength Training, Pitching and Hitting Articles

It’s been even another crazy year for everyone, but that didn’t stop us from continuing our efforts to develop great ball players while educating the community at the same time. A few years ago, I started a series in which I posted the most popular blogs of the year. These are the articles that received the most traffic, according to our hosting statistics. It seems to be a favorite of everyone, so here we go again with the most popular baseball articles of 2021. Continue reading “Best of 2021… Strength Training, Pitching and Hitting Articles”

A Week in the Life of an RPP Data Intern

I joined RPP Baseball as a Data Intern this past September, and was very excited about the opportunity to learn all of the different aspects of applying technology to training pitchers and hitters. Little did I know how all-encompassing it would be. The process of working and training daily with the latest technology has proved to be an amazing experience for my personal development as a professional in this industry. Whether I am working with Rapsodo Pitching, Rapsodo Insight, Blast Motion, HitTrax, K-Vest, or assisting with our bio-mechanist on a full blown Qualisys motion capture system, I am amazed at the impact that data and technology can have on player progression and talent maximization. I decided to write this article, not only to summarize how much I have learned in this position, but also to help provide a road map for all those that may come after me. Continue reading “A Week in the Life of an RPP Data Intern”

Wondering What Happens to all the Data from Motion Capture?

Today, we’re lifting the hood a tiny bit…. Much is written about the value of data and its potential application to training pitchers. But a full-blown motion capture system takes this type of discussion to a whole new level. A typical mocap session involves attaching over forty markers to a pitcher’s body. After a pitch is thrown off the mound, the system combines the views of a dozen or more cameras to create a 3D avatar of the athlete, which then allows for preparing angular measurements of various body parts, up and down the kinetic chain.  What happens to all that data from the avatar is what we are going to review here…

Continue reading “Wondering What Happens to all the Data from Motion Capture?”