Athlete Highlight: Sophomore SS Jayden Acevedo (Don Bosco) EV is Up 7 mph, Throwing up 11 mph

Sophomore Shortstop Jayden Acevedo (Don Bosco Prep) started training at RPP last summer. In general, he was looking to increase his overall strength and power, increase his exit velo and throwing velocity, and improve his consistency at the plate. By the end of February this year, his top-end velo had improved from 79.9 to 87.2 mph, and his infield throwing velocity had improved from 73 to 84 mph.

How did he do it? Quick answer… a lot of hard work…

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Ankle Mobility and Strength / Stability… You Need BOTH! – Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, we talked about mobility at the foot / ankle complex and the importance of setting up the lower half for success, whether it be initiating a hip hinge or creating better ROM in the weight room.  Today, in part 2, we’re going to talk about adding strength and stability to our newfound mobility in order to create higher ground reaction forces (GRF). This is pure gold for athletes looking to increase force output (or explosiveness) while reducing the risk of injury.

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Podcast #133: An In-Depth Conversation with Winthrop University’s Assistant Coach Mike Napolitano

Today, I am having Sam Sharf, RPP’s Director of Recruiting, sit in for me as the Guest Host with Winthrop Baseball’s Assistant Coach Mike Napolitano. Topics Include:

    • Difference between D1 and D3 programs
    • Balancing baseball and academics
    • Most important characteristics when recruiting hitters

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Summer Athlete Highlight: Seton Hill’s Deschenes 90 to 93 mph with Improved Pitch Arsenal

Luke Deschenes

Seton Hill RHP Luke Deschenes joined us last summer in our Collegiate Summer Throwing Program. The 12-week program is 100% customized to the needs of the individual athlete, whether it be increasing velocity, improving command and control, improving pitch-arsenal, or simply getting better across the board. In general, Luke was looking to become more athletic overall. This included improving his body composition, velocity, command, and pitch repertoire. His initial assessment was done on May 24th, so we had to get to work. By the end of August, his top-end velo had improved from 90 to 93, and he had substantially improved his sinker, change-up, and breaking ball to go along with his 4-seamer and cutter.

How did he do it?

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Podcast #132: Overcoming the Challenges of Coaching High School Athletes with Johnston Hobbs

Johnston Hobbs

Today, we’re with Coach Johnston Hobbs, Head Coach at Ft. Lauderdale High School, the Flying L’s.  He has coached and played at every level of the game and we’re going to focus on some of the challenges of coaching today’s high school athletes. Topics Include:

    • The difference between coaching in the Northeast vs. the South
    • Training catchers
    • Mechanics… When to address / when to leave it alone

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College Baseball Advisor, Should You Retain One?

college baseball advisor

The opportunity to play college baseball has always been challenging, with approximately 7% of high school players moving on to the next level. In recent years, substantial changes have increased the difficulty due to expanded eligibility, transfer waiver / portal, reduced MLB draft, and the contraction of D1 rosters. The days of “if you’re good enough, they will find you” are long gone. So… should you retain a college baseball advisor or consultant? Let’s talk through it.

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Ankle Mobility and Strength / Stability… You need BOTH! – Part 1

One of the most common issues we see in our athletes is a lack of ankle mobility and strength / stability, more specifically dorsiflexion range-of-motion. Whether you’re a pitcher, position player or catcher, since the foot and ankle are the first to hit the ground, your ankles are essentially “ground zero” for all things that happen later in any movement.

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Summer Athlete Highlight: Richmond’s Hinchliffe 89 to 92 mph with Expanded Pitch Arsenal

Jackson Hinchliffe

University of Richmond RHP Jackson Hinchliffe joined us last summer in our Collegiate Summer Throwing Program. The 12-week program is 100% customized to the needs of the individual athlete, whether it be increasing velocity, improving command and control, improving pitch-arsenal, or simply getting better across the board. In Jackson’s case, he was looking to return to school healthy (forearm strain), improve his velocity and expand his arsenal. By the time of his departure, he had improved his velocity from 89 to 92 mph, with a much-improved pitch repertoire.

How did he do it?

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Podcast #131: Building a Division III Powerhouse with Misericordia’s Garrett deMarrais

Garrett deMarrais

Today we’re sitting down with Garrett deMarrais, Assistant Coach / Recruiting Coordinator of Division III powerhouse Misericordia Baseball. The Cougars have reached the NCAA Division III World Series in back-to-back seasons, including a National Championship last year.  Topics Include:

    • The key to a winning culture
    • The power of thinking “outside the box” offensively
    • Key traits when recruiting new players

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Podcast #130: Talking Shop with RPP Strength and Conditioning Coach Bill Walsh

Today we’re sitting down with RPP Strength and Conditioning Coach Bill Walsh. Bill brings with him 20 years of experience, in both the S&C and AT fields. Topics Include:

    • The biggest challenges when coaching the high school population
    • The 3 pillars of athleticism
    • Ankle mobility / strength and its relationship to mechanics and speed

Continue reading “Podcast #130: Talking Shop with RPP Strength and Conditioning Coach Bill Walsh”