The following is a list of “frequently asked questions” that we often receive on our off-season hitting program. Hope it’s helpful, but please feel free to reach the front desk at 201-308-3363 with any additional inquiries at any time or set up a visit / “consult session” where we can give you an on-site tour and review the programming.
Off-season Pitching Program – Frequently Asked Questions
The following is a list of “frequently asked questions” we receive on our off-season pitching program. Hope it’s helpful, but please feel free to reach the front desk at 201-308-3363 with any additional inquiries at any time or set up a visit / “consult session” where we can give you an on-site tour and review the programming.
Pitching Program Q&A
Q: Is your winter pitching program also a velo program? Continue reading “Off-season Pitching Program — Frequently Asked Questions”
How to Address an Excessive Attack Angle
Attack angle is a valuable metric that indicates the trajectory of the hitter’s barrel path as it impacts the baseball. At RPP, rather than striving for a specific number, we like to see our hitters achieve an optimal attack angle range that will maximize their opportunity to make flush contact with the incoming pitch; the ideal range is between 5-15 degrees. There can be several contributors to an excessive attack angle. When the attack angle is too high (swinging too uphill), we first want to figure out what is causing it and then determine a plan of action to improve it. The following disconnects could potentially lead to an excessive attack angle: Continue reading “How to Address an Excessive Attack Angle”
How to Generate More Power and Velocity with Proteus
To be a more efficient baseball player, it’s important that you have both high amounts of force (power) and acceleration in your throw or in the box. For a pitcher, it can be a deal breaker in terms of college recruiting or ultimately being an MLB prospect. As far as hitters go, having a faster, more powerful swing allows the hitter more time to make better decisions at the plate. While going from 80 to 85 mph may only require more absolute strength, once we get into more elite velocities, max strength is simply not enough. This is where the Proteus machine shines. Continue reading “How to Generate More Power and Velocity with Proteus”
How to Use Blast Motion and HitTrax Info to Improve – Part 2
In part 2 of this series, we’re going to zero in on HitTrax results (click here for Part 1 on Blast metrics). HitTrax provides a plethora of data in a variety of formats on batted balls that can help us evaluate a hitter’s performance at the plate, including spray charts, depth of contact and strike zone information. Given the amount of variability in hitting a baseball, we generally like to collect information on at least 100 batted balls per hitter. Hopefully this will include incoming pitches throughout the zone with different pitch descent angles to replicate as many different situations as possible. Continue reading “How to Use Blast Motion and HitTrax Info to Improve – Part 2”
Top 6 Med Ball Drills for Pitchers and Players
Med balls are a staple in the world of baseball strength and conditioning. This really shouldn’t be much of a surprise. Baseball is a rotational sport, so med ball work provides us with real-world transfer to the sport. It is also one of the only ways to train upper body strength-speed in the frontal plane. Baseball med ball workouts and exercises are applicable to both hitting and pitching and can be used to create more efficient movement patterns and improve sequencing. However, drills using med balls are often performed poorly, largely in part because most athletes do not possess the understanding of what they are trying to accomplish with the exercise. Continue reading “Top 6 Med Ball Drills for Pitchers and Players”
Assessing Pitchers in the Age of New Tech (Inside Pitch Magazine)
Interested in a hard copy of the article please click here.
Baseball, like every other industry, is under siege from new technology and it’s making sure the game evolves in many ways. Some love it, some hate it, and everything in between. Whether you’re a fan of technology or not, it’s difficult to ignore. It’s here in full force and it’s changing baseball with it. Those that are too close-minded to take the time to expand their knowledge of the new performance metrics run the risk of being left behind, both in terms of overall knowledge about the game and improving an athlete’s efficiency in performance. Continue reading “Assessing Pitchers in the Age of New Tech (Inside Pitch Magazine)”
What is a Normal Distribution in Statistics?
In statistics, a “normal distribution” is a type of continuous probability distribution given a set of data points. You can call this a bell curve if you choose, and it summarizes in chart-from the likelihood of outcomes given the dataset.
Continue reading “What is a Normal Distribution in Statistics?”
How to Use Blast Motion and HitTrax Info to Improve – Part 1
A few years ago, we installed HitTrax for our hitting program. Combining HitTrax batted ball results with Blast Motion sensors provides excellent pre- and post-contact information on batted balls. Now in this 2 part article, we’re going to review what pre-contact metrics from Blast Motion and post-contact data from HitTrax tell us about a hitter and his aptitudes:
- Part 1: Pre-contact data provided by Blast Motion
- Part2: Post-contact data from HitTrax Continue reading “How to Use Blast Motion and HitTrax Info to Improve — Part 1”
Reading Data… The Importance of an Accurate Frame of Reference
Sometimes when analyzing video, things are not as they seem visually and can send both athletes and coaches looking down the wrong rabbit hole for solutions. Continue reading “Reading Data… The Importance of an Accurate Frame of Reference”