The Spartan Experience

By Ed Howard (CPT, NASM, FMS)

Spartan LogoToday I am going to post a brief blog by Ed Howard (CPT, NASM, FMS) one of our adult trainers at RPP.  Ed recently completed his fourth Spartan Race and I thought it would be a great read to see how training at RPP helped him complete the course in record time.

Whenever I tell someone that I’m going to do an obstacle course race like the Spartan Race the first question they often ask is “Why?”  Running a Spartan requires strength, agility, endurance and just a touch of crazy (well maybe more than a touch in my case, especially at the age of 61).  Continue reading “The Spartan Experience”

Baseball Players Making Big Gains This Summer

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

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Okay, so you’re one of the best ball players in your county or better yet the state, kudos on a job well done. But if you’ve worked hard enough to get offers to play baseball after high school you should know that spending the spring and summer in the weight room to get strong and pack on much needed muscle can be the deal breaker. Continue reading “Baseball Players Making Big Gains This Summer”

RPP Philosophy on Training and Developing Young Elite Athletes

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

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I often get asked about our philosophy on training young athletes.  Needless to say, with the drastic fluctuations in structural, hormonal, and neurological development from one athlete to the next, teaching young athletes how to perform exercises with proper technique is a challenge, even for the most experienced coaches. Continue reading “RPP Philosophy on Training and Developing Young Elite Athletes”

RPP – “The Best of 2014”

By Nunzio Signore (B.A., CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

88095590MW101_NBA_Finals_GaI’m currently gearing up for the “feast of the fish” that many of us Italians submit ourselves to so, I’ll be spending a lot of time sitting in my mother’s den listening to screaming and smelling like fish for 3 days. With some well needed “time to myself”, I researched which blogs people found the most interesting this year. So today, I wanted to post up the top 5 articles of 2014 in terms of receiving the most views. Continue reading “RPP — “The Best of 2014””

Healthy Shoulders and Arms (Part 3)… Training the Shoulder

By Nunzio Signore (B.A., CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

Intro Image 2 - Part 3

In today’s post we are covering Part 3 of Healthy Shoulders and Arms.  In case you missed Part 2 please click here.

The shoulder requires a tremendous amount of strength and mobility to function, making it inherently unstable and prone to injuries.  Rotator cuff surgeries are performed on in excess of 75,000 patients per year in the US.  Improving stability in this region is paramount for overhead athletes and especially pitchers given the undue amount of stress placed on the shoulder.  Although the lower body (especially lead leg Internal rotation) can play a huge role in shoulder mobility and health, for this continuing article we will be dealing with the upper body only.
Continue reading “Healthy Shoulders and Arms (Part 3)… Training the Shoulder”

Nutrition – You Are What You Eat!

You Are What You Eat Image 1By Doug Corbett (NASM, PES, FMS, CET)

Beginning this week we will be starting to feature blogs on nutrition from time to time by RPP coach Doug Corbett.  Doug has been working at RPP since September of 2011 and has played a big role in speaking not only with athletes about their nutrition, but our adult clientele as well.


From working with hundreds of athletes over the years, I can tell you that almost all of them have one thing in common when it comes to the way they eat.  Mostly they eat garbage.

Breakfast is usually skipped or it is carb and sugar loaded such as cereal or a bagel with cream cheese.  Lunch might be a sandwich with pretzels or cookies.  And dinner is pasta, pizza, fast food, and maybe a few meals throughout the week that are perfect for an athlete.  The problem is a few meals throughout the week are not good enough.

Let’s do some quick math. Continue reading “Nutrition — You Are What You Eat!”