Pitching Lab… Day 1, Building a Pitcher’s Off-Season Roadmap

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CPT, CSCS, NASM, PES, FMS)

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The old saying “if you’re going to do something, do it right” couldn’t ring true anymore than when it comes to training a pitcher. Pitching is a volatile movement involving the shoulder, the most unstable joint in the body. This leaves no room for error when it comes to training.  Today, I am going to give you a glimpse into the first day of the Pitching Lab Protocol (click here for more info) and how we build a roadmap for training pitchers during the off-season. This is a first session like no other, but it’s really how an off-season program should begin for pitchers.  So come inside and see how each athlete’s individual off-season program is created and the blueprint for their success is drawn up. Continue reading “Pitching Lab… Day 1, Building a Pitcher’s Off-Season Roadmap”

Pitchers – Loose or Tight… Which One Are You?

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CSCS, CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

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Every time you throw, depending on genetics, you’ll either get tighter or looser in the shoulder. We really need to pump this into, not only our player’s minds, but our parents and coaches as well.   Bottom line is that every arm is different when it comes to what to do, training and post throwing-wise, to a pitcher’s arm. Continue reading “Pitchers — Loose or Tight… Which One Are You?”

Input Controls Output… Six Great Foods for Athletes – Part 1

By Doug Corbett (NASM, FMS, NS, PES, Fitness Nutrition Coach)

Input Controls Output TopToday I am going to post another article on nutrition prepared by Doug Corbett (NASM, FMS, NS, PES, Fitness Nutrition Coach) for our athletes.  We often get so many questions about nutrition and what athletes should or shouldn’t eat.  Here in Part 1 of this article, Doug lays out three great foods for athletes. Continue reading “Input Controls Output… Six Great Foods for Athletes — Part 1”

Interview with Volleyball Player Samantha Uline (Future Privateer at UNO)

By Nunzio Signore (BA, NASM, CPT, PES, FMS)

Sam Uline Image

Today my interview is with Sam Uline, a graduate of Suffern High School Volleyball program who has been training at RPP for the past two years.  She is on her way to University New Orleans Division I Volleyball program to become a Privateer.   I think Sam is a great inspiration for so many young female athletes who want to take their game to the next level.

Continue reading “Interview with Volleyball Player Samantha Uline (Future Privateer at UNO)”

Nutrition Basics for Athletes… Carbs, Fats and Protein

By Doug Corbett (NASM, FMS, NS, PES, Fitness Nutrition Coach)

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Today I am going to post another brief article on nutrition prepared by Doug Corbett (NASM, FMS, NS, PES, Fitness Nutrition Coach) for our athletes.  We often get so many questions about nutrition basics that I thought a primer could be of help.  Remember, a great training program should always go hand-in-hand with an excellent nutrition plan in order to unlock the athlete’s potential to get “bigger, faster and stronger”.  

Continue reading “Nutrition Basics for Athletes… Carbs, Fats and Protein”

The Spartan Experience

By Ed Howard (CPT, NASM, FMS)

Spartan LogoToday I am going to post a brief blog by Ed Howard (CPT, NASM, FMS) one of our adult trainers at RPP.  Ed recently completed his fourth Spartan Race and I thought it would be a great read to see how training at RPP helped him complete the course in record time.

Whenever I tell someone that I’m going to do an obstacle course race like the Spartan Race the first question they often ask is “Why?”  Running a Spartan requires strength, agility, endurance and just a touch of crazy (well maybe more than a touch in my case, especially at the age of 61).  Continue reading “The Spartan Experience”

Baseball Players Making Big Gains This Summer

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

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Okay, so you’re one of the best ball players in your county or better yet the state, kudos on a job well done. But if you’ve worked hard enough to get offers to play baseball after high school you should know that spending the spring and summer in the weight room to get strong and pack on much needed muscle can be the deal breaker. Continue reading “Baseball Players Making Big Gains This Summer”