The Scapular Stabilizers… Why Are They Mission Critical? – Part 1

What is Scapular Stability?

The Scapula (shoulder blade) attaches to your ribcage via two main muscles, the serratus anterior and the trapezius. These muscles (with help from the Rhomboids), pull in different directions to help keep your shoulder blade stable while your arm moves and accepts force. They are otherwise known as your “scapula stabilizers”. Why is it Important? Continue reading “The Scapular Stabilizers… Why Are They Mission Critical? — Part 1”

Dynamic Neuromuscular Training for Pitchers

DNS or “Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization” is a training method that was developed by Czech physiotherapist Pavel Kovar in the 1990’s and was brought to the forefront of training 10 years ago with the release of Frans Bosch’s book, “Strength Training and Coordination”.  It’s fair to say that it has since struck the baseball player development realm by storm.

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Trackman Pitching Report… All Your Data in One Single Report

Here at RPP we take great pride in the work that goes into assessing and evaluating our pitchers and position players. This is generally reflected in the comprehensive reports we provide our athletes with in-depth analysis and summaries of their capabilities, whether it’s in the weight room or inside the nets. Our newly developed Trackman Pitching Report uses data collected from in-house bullpens to create simple visuals that can help better communicate the strengths and weakness’s of a pitcher’s repertoire. The main parts our report focuses on is:

    1. Pitching Metrics
    2. Pitch Movement
    3. Pitch Consistency
    4. Pitch Location
    5. Stuff+ Report

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How to Build Your Pitching Arsenal w/ Trackman

As many in the baseball world know, Trackman is arguably the best piece of technology when analyzing a pitcher and their pitch metrics. Trackman is a military grade radar that captures metrics such as velocity, spin rate, spin axis, tilt, release angles, approach angles, release height, extension, movement profiles, and more.

How to build your pitching arsenal with Trackman?

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Workload Management for Pitchers w/ Case Studies

With injuries on the rise in baseball, implementing a workload management system is a great way to help develop pitchers and mitigate injuries. Workload is a general term used to describe how much stress is being placed on a pitcher’s arm during both a throwing session and over a period of time (as in a week or month). Such a system can also be helpful in a variety of other ways, including:

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Why Isn’t My Pitching Velocity Going UP?

Every off-season athletes come to RPP looking to improve their pitching velocity. Unfortunately, quite often they also believe that throwing harder is only about pitching mechanics. Not sure exactly where this type of thinking started but it points to a complete lack of understanding about where throwing velocity comes from.  Wish it was that simple!

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How Baseball Players and Pitchers Can Train for Power with Plyometrics

Baseball Plyometrics

When most of us think of what comprises a great strength training program for baseball players, we think of training force production. While this is crucial to enhance performance, the dissipation (absorption) of force is vital not only to performance, but for reducing the risk of injury as well. We can’t talk about either force production or dissipation without talking about plyometric training. Numerous studies have shown that performing plyometric training for baseball players:

    • Improves soft tissue quality
    • Helps reduce the risk of injury
    • Increases throwing velocity

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