Today’s podcast is with RPP Pitching Coordinator Alex Kubera on the topic of developing command. In the age of velocity, command sometimes takes a back seat. However, the reality is velocity may get you the look, but command gets you time on the mound. If you can’t “control” the pitch, you won’t be throwing strikes or seeing much playing time. And if you can’t “command” it, then it will be harder to the wins against high level players. Join us as we discuss a variety of great topics related to command:
- Command vs. control
- Main issues when struggling to hit your marks
- Monitoring workload
- The importance of BOTH cuff strength and cuff timing
- Maintaining center of mass through better anterior core control
- How long does it take to see significant changes in command
- How has the use of data helped make your job easier when dealing with command issues
You can follow Alex on Twitter and Instagram @kuberapitching.
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