By Nunzio Signore (B.A. CPT, NASM, FMS, PES)

Beginning with this post, I will be providing a series on Arm Care for pitchers and overhead athletes. These write-ups provide the basis of our Pitcher’s Program, which cover various topics from every day care to strength and conditioning to warm-up routines to reviewing various potential injuries and ways to avoid them.
When you work with as many pitchers and other overhead athletes as we do, you hear the same complaints day in and day out. Things like “my shoulder hurts right here” or “my elbow hurts when I try to straighten my arm”. Much of this discomfort comes from residual stress associated with throwing (or swimming etc.) and can be avoided with the use of a foam roller or lacrosse ball.
Continue reading “Arm Care — With Foam Rolling, a Lifetime of Results for 20 Bucks — Part 1”