Most people who have observed our movement assessment and 4-camera video analysis believe it’s about as good as you can get. Now, with the addition of our Qualisys motion capture system it’s even better. Getting access to pitching biomechanics data speaks for itself… Let’s review in some detail. Continue reading “Pitching Biomechanics: How it Can Change Training for Pitchers”
How We Use Data to Develop the Complete Pitcher
Here at RPP, the value and importance of our assessments cannot be stressed enough. When it comes down to creating an athlete’s programming from both a strength and throwing aspect, it’s pretty simple. If you program without a thorough assessment, you’re basically flying blind. Continue reading “How We Use Data to Develop the Complete Pitcher”
A Pitching Biomechanical Evaluation to Create Better Fixes
By Nunzio Signore (Owner/Operator RPP)
Pitching is a MOVEMENT and should be analyzed as such. In a pitching biomechanical evaluation such as a mocap assessment that we use here at RPP, there are many important metrics. Specifically there are timing and angular velocity issues that you can’t see with the same amount of accuracy when using a static assessment or 2D video analysis. Knowing WHEN these movements are happening at various points in the delivery, and for certain metrics the SPEEDS at which they are happening, can be more telling than simply looking at static positions.
But, the value of the information, like every other piece of tech we utilize, is not in the numbers, but what we do with the information, in other words… the FIXES. This is where blending tech with great coaching can be a game changer. Continue reading “A Pitching Biomechanical Evaluation to Create Better Fixes”
Why Baseball Biomechanics Information is a Game Changer
Until not long ago baseball biomechanics information from motion capture systems (mocap) was primarily available in research labs, rehab facilities or biomechanics departments at universities. Much of the work in this arena has been performed by biomechanists who specialize in the study of movement. They generally use the principles of physical mechanics combined with biology to understand:
- How we move
- How we can move more effectively and efficiently
- Why we get injured and how to reduce the incidence of injury
Two prominent figures in the world of baseball mocap have been Dr. Glenn Fleisig and Dr. James Andrews, dating back to 1985 with their work at the American Sports Medicine Institute (“ASMI”).
But times are changing fast… Continue reading “Why Baseball Biomechanics Information is a Game Changer”
RPP Baseball Investing in Qualisys Motion Capture System
(Images: Courtesy of Qualisys Motion Capture)
We are very excited to announce that after many months of research and study we are taking another big step forward in providing the best for our pitchers and ball players. Beginning in late spring, we will be installing a Qualisys biomechanics motion capture system at RPP. Continue reading “RPP Baseball Investing in Qualisys Motion Capture System”