What to Consider with In-Season Baseball Workouts

At this time of the year, after a full off-season of strength training, upcoming tryouts and practices, sitting on the bench in a kyphotic posture and waiting to get your reps on the mound are a few of the variables that can wreak havoc on an athlete’s body and more importantly his arm/shoulder. There are several considerations when you’re looking to maintain your strength and mobility with in-season baseball workouts.

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Podcast #33: Baseball Movement Flow Training With Dr. Ismael Gallo

My guest today is former professional baseball player and Dr. of Physical of Therapy Ismael Gallo. We’re going to discuss how to maximize baseball specific movements through a “problem solving” system of exercises created by Dr. Gallo himself. This one’s a real eye opener and something that can be done at home without any equipment. The whole podcast is a great discussion on the body as it relates to ball players.

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Podcast #32: Transition from College to Pro Ball and Back with Iowa’s Sean McGrath

My guest today on the podcast is Sean McGrath, who recently joined the University of Iowa baseball program as pitching coach and player development analyst.  I have known Sean for nearly 10 years, and I can say that he is as forward thinking a coach as there is.  He is a student of the game, who is always looking to expand his knowledge and grow as a person and a coach. In today’s podcast we discuss variety of topics, including:

    • Getting freshman up & running in regard to higher workloads
    • Some non-negotiables for a college ball player looking to get drafted
    • One of my biggest steals I stole from Sean to improve transfer to the mound

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5 Best Received Blog Posts of 2022

In keeping with our year-end Best of Series,  below is a listing our “5 Best Received Blog Posts of 2022”.  These are all great reads on a variety of topics.

    1. Why Am I Not Getting any College Baseball Offers
    2. What are the Most Effective Tilt Axes for Various Pitch Types
    3. What is a Seam-Shifted Wake Pitch (in simple terms)
    4. What to Expect after Tommy John Surgery
    5. The “Not-So Secret”, Secret to College Baseball Recruiting

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5 Best Received Podcasts of 2022

In keeping with our year-end Best of Series, I thought it would be great to kick off the new year with the “5 Best Received Podcasts of 2022”. These are new for me this year and I must say, I am having a great time doing them, not to mention how much I’m learning in the process. So, without further ado, here are the 5 best received “Behind the Seams” podcasts of 2022.

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Podcast #31: Power of Positive Thinking With Georgia Gwinnett’s Jeremy Sheetinger

Today, we’re sitting down with Coach Jeremy Sheetinger, head baseball coach at Georgia Gwinnett (“GG”). I met Coach Sheets years ago at a conference, where we were both presenting. To put it mildly, he is Mr. Positivity which I absolutely love. In a world, where it’s easy to be negative and many are, Coach Sheets always focuses on the positives which is the underlying theme of this podcast.

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