How to Improve Blast Motion Rotation Score (Power)

Blast Rotation Score

Given the rotational nature of hitting a baseball, there are variety of potential physical impediments that could lead to an undesirable Rotation Score (rotational acceleration and bat speed).  Issues could range from the bottom of the kinetic chain to the top, including lower body weaknesses, hip mobility limitations, t-spine related issues and even weaknesses in the upper extremities. Continue reading “How to Improve Blast Motion Rotation Score (Power)”

How to Improve Blast Motion Connection Score (Consistency)

blast connection score

Blast’s Connection score links together what your body and your bat are doing prior to and at the point of contact.  It uses Early Connection and Connection at Impact metrics as the basis for your score.  Maintaining good connection at impact (90 degrees) for all pitch locations is an indicator of dynamic adjustability.  According to Blast, players with good Connection score:

    • Display better swing adjustability in all pitch locations
    • Have better plate coverage
    • Generate more power to all parts of the field

There are variety of potential physical impediments that could lead to an undesirable Connection score, with Early Connection having slightly different potential set of issues that Connection at Impact.

Continue reading “How to Improve Blast Motion Connection Score (Consistency)”

How to Improve Deficiencies in Blast Motion Baseball Metrics

blast motion baseball

This webpage and the associated pages have been prepared as a part of our partnership with Blast Motion to integrate our performance training content into Blast Solution.  For further details, you can reach us here at RPP or contact Blast directly.

Blast Motion Baseball sensors are an easy to use piece of equipment and provide a tremendous amount of valuable swing-related information at a very reasonable cost.  Their scoring system includes metrics on several topics, including:

    • Rotation (power)
    • Plane (contact)
    • Connection (consistency)

The problem is not everyone knows how to address the issues highlighted by the sensors, and not every issue is a skill-related one. Deficiencies in Blast metrics can be also caused by mobility, strength and postural related issues, up and down the kinetic chain. Continue reading “How to Improve Deficiencies in Blast Motion Baseball Metrics”

Blast Motion Partners with RPP Baseball

Blast Motion Partners with RPP Baseball to Integrate Performance Training Content into Blast Solution…

(Carlsbad, California – 5/13/21) – Today, Blast Motion, the leader in swing analysis, player development and improvement, announced a partnership with Rockland Peak Performance (RPP or RPP Baseball) to provide high quality strength and mobility training content to athletes and coaches. This partnership provides Blast customers with a more complete training approach, allowing players to target the development of their physical performance and swing fundamentals based on their Blast Motion data. Continue reading “Blast Motion Partners with RPP Baseball”

3 Most Common Kinematic Sequence Flaws in Baseball Swings

Having assessed hundreds of hitters at RPP, we have been exposed to all types of athletes and swings. As a part of our hitting assessment, one area we focus on is the player’s kinematic sequence and how energy transfers up the chain.  Generally, we look for an efficient transfer of power up the kinetic chain in the following order, pelvis, torso, upper arm and hand.  Although we have observed a large variety of different sequences, here are the 3 most common flawed sequences we observe among young hitters on K-vest: Continue reading “3 Most Common Kinematic Sequence Flaws in Baseball Swings”

3 Hitting Drills to Pattern an Efficient Baseball Swing

Hitting Drills

There are many ways to skin a cat, however, often one is the most efficient. Although each player’s swing looks different, great hitters achieve the same goal by putting their body in the best position to hit. Given the complex nature of hitting and its many co-dependent variables, hitting drills that help create efficient movements will make it easier to recreate a consistent motor pattern. Continue reading “3 Hitting Drills to Pattern an Efficient Baseball Swing”

K-Vest Baseball is a Game Changer for Training Ball Players

k vest baseball

The world of hitting is changing and it’s changing fast. As new technology is working its way into the world of baseball at break-neck speed, the information becoming available is opening the eyes of both baseball coaches and strength coaches alike and across multiple avenues as well. But once again as in pitching, this extremely explosive sport, leads us back to anatomy and the body’s ability to move through space quickly. So explosive in fact, that we are looking at microsecond movements only measurable by K-vest Baseball motion capture technology. Continue reading “K-Vest Baseball is a Game Changer for Training Ball Players”