How to Build Your Pitching Arsenal w/ Trackman

As many in the baseball world know, Trackman is arguably the best piece of technology when analyzing a pitcher and their pitch metrics. Trackman is a military grade radar that captures metrics such as velocity, spin rate, spin axis, tilt, release angles, approach angles, release height, extension, movement profiles, and more.

How to build your pitching arsenal with Trackman?

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What is a Seam-Shifted Wake Pitch (in simple terms)?

You may have heard of the “Laminar Express” as Trevor Bauer used to call it, or the Seam-Shifted Wake (“SSW”) as it has been called more recently. During the past few years, we have begun to really understand the seam-shifted wake.  If you’ve been wondering what it’s all about and how it impacts pitcher’s ball movement, this article is for you, as we cover:

    • The History
    • How to Throw a SSW
    • Technology and SSW
    • How it’s Observed
    • Examples

Continue reading “What is a Seam-Shifted Wake Pitch (in simple terms)?”

What is the Most Effective 4-Seam Tilt Axis in MLB?

There is certainly no shortage of data available from MLB for on-field performance by pitchers and players. In this article, we have combined data from several sources, including FanGraphs and Baseball Savant, to help identify the most effective pitch movement patterns in Major League Baseball. More specifically, we analyzed the performance of 4-seam fastballs from major league pitchers during the 2021 season (392 right-handed), by comparing slugging averages against horizontal, vertical movements and tilt axes of fast baseballs.

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What are the Most Common Pitch Movement Issues… And the Fixes

pitch movement

Having observed hundreds of pitchers on our Rapsodo Pitching camera during the past several years, it’s fair to say that there are a few tendencies that most high school and collegiate pitchers exhibit. While every pitcher is different with their skillset, we generally tend to observe similar opportunities for improvement in pitch movement.

In this first of three articles… Continue reading “What are the Most Common Pitch Movement Issues… And the Fixes”

Pitch Design with Seton Hall’s O’Neill… How to Turn Good into Great

Pitch development is a big part of the overall training culture here at RPP. Once athletes have developed a good base of body awareness in the weight room as well as throwing volume it’s time to steer the focus on getting guys out. In other words, getting pitches to move while throwing strikes.

Seton Hall’s Brennan O’Neill came to us this July, during the summer unlike anything any of us have ever experienced before.  However, even with a shortened period of time we managed to get a lot done. Continue reading “Pitch Design with Seton Hall’s O’Neill… How to Turn Good into Great”