Great Takeaways from the Panel of Experts… Part 1 (Dec 2016)

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

Great Takeaways Dec 2015 Top Joint

Last month we hosted our first ever “Panel of Experts” seminar at RPP. Not only was it a smashing success with nearly 100 guests, I got to sit back, listen and let somebody else do the talking for a while. In Part 1 of this 2 Part video series, our guest panelists touch on a variety of different topics ranging from “closed loop” training and pre-throwing mobility work, to making key adjustments when entering the big leagues.  Great takeaways on this one guys, enjoy.

Continue reading “Great Takeaways from the Panel of Experts… Part 1 (Dec 2016)”

Strengthening the Lead Leg to Help Improve Pitching Velocity

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

Lead Leg Velo 1If your goal is speed and velocity, whether you’re running around the diamond or throwing a fastball, then you need to put more force into the ground period.  A recent study at Ohio State titled Stride Leg Ground Reaction Forces Predict Throwing Velocity in Adult Recreational Baseball Pitchers (by McNally MP, Borstad JD, Oñate JA, Chaudhari AM, published October 29, 2015, click here for details) concluded that there was a high correlation between pitchers with higher velocity and the amount of force being applied into the ground with the front leg. Continue reading “Strengthening the Lead Leg to Help Improve Pitching Velocity”

Aerobic Training for Baseball Players

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

Aerobic Training for Baseball.. Top Joint Image

The best baseball players are generally the ones who produce massive amounts of force very rapidly.  In most cases, this must be done repeatedly with little deterioration throughout an entire game. The best starting pitchers for example are those who can throw as hard and maintain command in the later innings as well as they can in the first or ball players who can run just as hard in the ninth as they can in the first.  Today, we’re going to talk about a training technique you can do at home on your days off from the gym that makes this all possible. Continue reading “Aerobic Training for Baseball Players”

Addressing Pitching Mechanics Issues in the Weight Room

pitching mechanics

For those athletes that can do certain basic things properly the sky is the limit. However, the reality is that the underlying foundation that enables pitchers to have good pitching mechanics and do basic things well is great strength and mobility (in other words a good movement strategy). Let me first start by saying this, there is no pitching coach on the planet that can get a pitcher into a desired position if the athlete does not physically have the strength or mobility to get into that position. Period. Continue reading “Addressing Pitching Mechanics Issues in the Weight Room”

Pitching Lab… Day 1, Building a Pitcher’s Off-Season Roadmap

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CPT, CSCS, NASM, PES, FMS)

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The old saying “if you’re going to do something, do it right” couldn’t ring true anymore than when it comes to training a pitcher. Pitching is a volatile movement involving the shoulder, the most unstable joint in the body. This leaves no room for error when it comes to training.  Today, I am going to give you a glimpse into the first day of the Pitching Lab Protocol (click here for more info) and how we build a roadmap for training pitchers during the off-season. This is a first session like no other, but it’s really how an off-season program should begin for pitchers.  So come inside and see how each athlete’s individual off-season program is created and the blueprint for their success is drawn up. Continue reading “Pitching Lab… Day 1, Building a Pitcher’s Off-Season Roadmap”

Pitchers – Loose or Tight… Which One Are You?

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CSCS, CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

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Every time you throw, depending on genetics, you’ll either get tighter or looser in the shoulder. We really need to pump this into, not only our player’s minds, but our parents and coaches as well.   Bottom line is that every arm is different when it comes to what to do, training and post throwing-wise, to a pitcher’s arm. Continue reading “Pitchers — Loose or Tight… Which One Are You?”

Input Controls Output… Six Great Foods for Athletes – Part 1

By Doug Corbett (NASM, FMS, NS, PES, Fitness Nutrition Coach)

Input Controls Output TopToday I am going to post another article on nutrition prepared by Doug Corbett (NASM, FMS, NS, PES, Fitness Nutrition Coach) for our athletes.  We often get so many questions about nutrition and what athletes should or shouldn’t eat.  Here in Part 1 of this article, Doug lays out three great foods for athletes. Continue reading “Input Controls Output… Six Great Foods for Athletes — Part 1”