Today’s podcast is with none other than Rob Friedman (aka the Pitching Ninja). I met Rob several years back, while speaking at one of Lantz Wheeler’s Pitch-a-Palooza events. I am very excited about this discussion, as it is my first episode and podcast.
Rob is one of the most popular guys in the world of pitching. His video clips and overlays on social media help bring complex pitching concepts to the masses, in simple terms. Rather than explain how “depth” or “tilt” or “spin” made certain pitches more effective, he simply demonstrates it happening live with educational video content and discussions, which can be extremely illuminating. In addition, his interview series with major leaguers, available on his YouTube channel, is a source like no other for pitchers of all ages looking to improve at their craft.
He’s been a live guest on ESPN and the MLB channel as well as been written up in countless publications including the New York Times. Rob’s Twitter feed, where you can always find him, is @PitchingNinja.
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