Six Key Reasons to Train the Anterior Core

In this article, we are going to look at a few major reasons why I believe it is ESSENTIAL to strengthen and create better control in the anterior core. Below is a list of 6 topics which I consider to be pure gold when it comes to becoming more explosive while reducing the risk of injury both on the mound and behind the plate.

    1. Positive Impact on Breathing
    2. Resisting Extension / Rotation
    3. Better Force Transfer to Upper Body
    4. Reduced Risk of Injury
    5. Lower Body / Hip Function
    6. Improving Shoulder Function

Continue reading “Six Key Reasons to Train the Anterior Core”

The Best of 2018 – Strength Training Articles

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CSCS, CPT, NASM, FMS)

As we get closer to a new year I would like to look back and get a bit reflective. A few years ago, I started a series in which I posted the most popular blogs of the year. These are the articles that received the most traffic, according to our hosting statistics. It seems to be a favorite of everyone, so here we go again with Part 1, covering the Top 5 most popular strength-related articles of 2018.  Continue reading “The Best of 2018 – Strength Training Articles”

Weighted Baseball Training, 7 Crucial Considerations

weighted baseball training

Note: This article was published in the November/December 2018 issue of Inside Pitch Magazine (Official Magazine of ABCA).

There is tremendous mis-information in the market place about weighted baseball training and I certainly don’t want to create a frenzy so let me start by saying this.  This article isn’t about the pros and cons of weighted baseball training programs. It’s about the importance and reasons why you should consider (a) including and implementing a thorough assessment, (b) monitoring the dosage and (c) participating in an individualized strength and conditioning program alongside the weighted baseball program. Continue reading “Weighted Baseball Training, 7 Crucial Considerations”

Baseball Strength Training at RPP, Why and How it Works

baseball strength training

Every off-season I see dedicated athletes spinning their wheels and settling for ineffective baseball strength training programs, simply because the location is convenient, or they’re feeling pressure from the travel coach.  The reality is that often they’re experiencing mediocre gains or no gains at all when they should be improving dramatically. Bottom line is if your performance has remained the same year-over-year your training probably SUCKS!  A customized baseball strength training program goes a long way towards improving your level of performance. Continue reading “Baseball Strength Training at RPP, Why and How it Works”

How to Build a More Powerful Delivery through a Stronger Core

Anterior core strength deeply affects lumbar extension, which in turn affects the position of the trunk/ thorax (rib cage), which is the “center of the universe” for a pitcher. This serves as a stable platform for the shoulder blades, ultimately affecting the position of the scapula, ensuring great “ball and socket” congruency and a better arm position at ball release when moving toward the plate. Continue reading “How to Build a More Powerful Delivery through a Stronger Core”