Let’s face it, everyone loves to throw hard, but we have to make sure we’re going about it the best and safest way possible. For pitchers and ball players, learning the correct way to perform baseball band workouts and take care of the arm, shoulder and body should be a top priority, not only during the season but year-round as well. Continue reading “2 Reasons Why Baseball Band Workouts Can Get Ugly!”
3 Hitting Drills to Pattern an Efficient Baseball Swing
There are many ways to skin a cat, however, often one is the most efficient. Although each player’s swing looks different, great hitters achieve the same goal by putting their body in the best position to hit. Given the complex nature of hitting and its many co-dependent variables, hitting drills that help create efficient movements will make it easier to recreate a consistent motor pattern. Continue reading “3 Hitting Drills to Pattern an Efficient Baseball Swing”
Why the Baseball Spin Axis Is Important for Pitchers
The Rapsodo Pitching camera provides an incredible amount of information by pitch type. Just as relevant, however, is how each individual pitch behaves versus the others. In evaluating our pitcher’s ball movement charts, we generally work with them to develop what we refer to as “clusters”. They form when a pitcher can consistently repeat the baseball spin axis and direction by pitch type. Continue reading “Why the Baseball Spin Axis Is Important for Pitchers”
K-Vest Baseball is a Game Changer for Training Ball Players
The world of hitting is changing and it’s changing fast. As new technology is working its way into the world of baseball at break-neck speed, the information becoming available is opening the eyes of both baseball coaches and strength coaches alike and across multiple avenues as well. But once again as in pitching, this extremely explosive sport, leads us back to anatomy and the body’s ability to move through space quickly. So explosive in fact, that we are looking at microsecond movements only measurable by K-vest Baseball motion capture technology. Continue reading “K-Vest Baseball is a Game Changer for Training Ball Players”
4 Ways the Automated Strike Zone Will Affect the Catcher Position
This past year, technology came to the strike zone, as MLB began to experiment with an automated strike zone with the “RoboUmp” in the Atlantic League. Although this process is still a work in progress, I begin to wonder how this may change the game from the vantage point of a catcher. Continue reading “4 Ways the Automated Strike Zone Will Affect the Catcher Position”
Pitching Biomechanics: How it Can Change Training for Pitchers
Most people who have observed our movement assessment and 4-camera video analysis believe it’s about as good as you can get. Now, with the addition of our Qualisys motion capture system it’s even better. Getting access to pitching biomechanics data speaks for itself… Let’s review in some detail. Continue reading “Pitching Biomechanics: How it Can Change Training for Pitchers”
Pitch Design with Seton Hall’s O’Neill… How to Turn Good into Great
Pitch development is a big part of the overall training culture here at RPP. Once athletes have developed a good base of body awareness in the weight room as well as throwing volume it’s time to steer the focus on getting guys out. In other words, getting pitches to move while throwing strikes.
Seton Hall’s Brennan O’Neill came to us this July, during the summer unlike anything any of us have ever experienced before. However, even with a shortened period of time we managed to get a lot done. Continue reading “Pitch Design with Seton Hall’s O’Neill… How to Turn Good into Great”
A Guide on Which Plyo Balls Pitching Drills Are For You?
Throwing programs often include Plyo Balls drills for improving pitching mechanics and overall movement patterns. They have been around for quite some time and we’re not here to re-invent the wheel. However, we’re going to review which ones we recommend and what has worked, through trial and error, for our pitchers over the years. Here we go…
- Our Recommended Plyo Balls drills
- Their Purpose
- What issue they’re used to Improve
- Performance cues
- Sets and reps
Continue reading “A Guide on Which Plyo Balls Pitching Drills Are For You?”
How We Use Data to Develop the Complete Pitcher
Here at RPP, the value and importance of our assessments cannot be stressed enough. When it comes down to creating an athlete’s programming from both a strength and throwing aspect, it’s pretty simple. If you program without a thorough assessment, you’re basically flying blind. Continue reading “How We Use Data to Develop the Complete Pitcher”
A Pitching Biomechanical Evaluation to Create Better Fixes
By Nunzio Signore (Owner/Operator RPP)
Pitching is a MOVEMENT and should be analyzed as such. In a pitching biomechanical evaluation such as a mocap assessment that we use here at RPP, there are many important metrics. Specifically there are timing and angular velocity issues that you can’t see with the same amount of accuracy when using a static assessment or 2D video analysis. Knowing WHEN these movements are happening at various points in the delivery, and for certain metrics the SPEEDS at which they are happening, can be more telling than simply looking at static positions.
But, the value of the information, like every other piece of tech we utilize, is not in the numbers, but what we do with the information, in other words… the FIXES. This is where blending tech with great coaching can be a game changer. Continue reading “A Pitching Biomechanical Evaluation to Create Better Fixes”