When talking about a complete or comprehensive training or throwing program, the conversation has to begin and end with “recovery”.
The Best of 2016 – Baseball Articles
As we begin the new year I would like to look back on 2016 and get a bit reflective. A few years ago I started a series in which we posted the most popular blogs of the year. These are the pieces that received the most traffic, according to our hosting statistics (you can click on the title of each to read the article). It seems to be a favorite of everyone so here we go again… Continue reading “The Best of 2016 – Baseball Articles”
What Separates Good from Great?
Today I sat here reflecting on what a great year it has been and how thankful I am for everything that has come my way. Continue reading “What Separates Good from Great?”
Bergen Catholic’s David LaManna “96 to 101 in 12 weeks”…
When Bergen Catholic catcher David LaManna walked into my facility, athleticism was oozing off of him. The data after his assessment showed us a bat speed of 96 mph, already very respectable for any high school senior. What transpired in the next 12 weeks is a testament to both David’s work ethic and the power of strength training. Last week he walked in and informed us that his bat speed was clocked at 101 mph the previous weekend. He also said he’s never felt stronger. This is no coincidence. Let’s take a look at why. Continue reading “Bergen Catholic’s David LaManna “96 to 101 in 12 weeks”…”
Why Most Athletes Never Reach their Maximum Potential
The path to greatness isn’t a great mystery, it’s been documented by countless of great athletes since the beginning of time. Some people just seem to conveniently look the other way. Here at RPP, I see it all the time in regards to athletic training.
Continue reading “Why Most Athletes Never Reach their Maximum Potential”
Mobility… Not a Part Time Job
Here at RPP we take great pride in getting our athletes in the best possible shape to succeed at their sport and mobility work plays a big role in our roadmap to getting them there. One thing I always stress to our athletes and parents is that even if you come and train with us for 2 days/week, at least I know you’re getting in some mobility work. Unfortunately, that’s not enough. That being said I want to make one thing perfectly clear…
“It’s not just what you do while you’re here, it’s also what you do when you’re NOT here” Continue reading “Mobility… Not a Part Time Job”