Strength Training / Physical Therapy… Making Our Athletes and Each Other Better

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I heard P.T. Mike Reinhold once say that he was a “much better physical therapist because of his knowledge in the strength and conditioning field”.  I feel the same way in regards to the education I’ve received from the physical therapy / rehab community.  I can’t overstate how much better of a strength and conditioning coach it has made me. The bottom line is together we make each other better. Continue reading “Strength Training / Physical Therapy… Making Our Athletes and Each Other Better”

Mobility… Not a Part Time Job

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Here at RPP we take great pride in getting our athletes in the best possible shape to succeed at their sport and mobility work plays a big role in our roadmap to getting them there. One thing I always stress to our athletes and parents is that even if you come and train with us for 2 days/week, at least I know you’re getting in some mobility work. Unfortunately, that’s not enough. That being said I want to make one thing perfectly clear…

“It’s not just what you do while you’re here, it’s also what you do when you’re NOT here” Continue reading “Mobility… Not a Part Time Job”

Muscle Mass and Throwing Gas

Muscle Mass and Throwing Gas - Top Joint Image

Your velocity has been climbing all your life at a respectable and more importantly SAFE rate. All of a sudden you’ve been stuck at the same mph for a year and a half and you’re not budging. You’ve tried what you believe is everything to get to the next rung and you’re stuck. Well, making that jump requires more than just pitching lessons and ramping up your throwing program. You’ve tried that and it’s not working. So hear me out…. Continue reading “Muscle Mass and Throwing Gas”

5 Takeaways from the Texas Baseball Ranch

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Last weekend I had the pleasure of visiting Ron Wolforth’s Texas Baseball Ranch and take the opportunity to learn how they go about addressing and correcting mechanical flaws in pitchers.  Coming from a strength and conditioning background, I may approach certain things a bit differently on the strength and mobility side of things, but I was there to learn more about how the other side lives… and I did. Continue reading “5 Takeaways from the Texas Baseball Ranch”

10 Off-Season Observations – Part 1

By Nunzio Signore (BA, CPT, NASM, PES, FMS)

Baseball off-season arm care

Now that baseball tryouts and pre-season have begun and my separation anxiety has started to kick in, it always helps me to sit back and watch old video and reflect on the past off-season.  Here in Part 1 of this 2 Part Series, we’ll look at the first 5 observations and personal thoughts from the past 4 months at RPP.

Continue reading “10 Off-Season Observations — Part 1”