You’re Projectable… But What’s Your Trajectory?

Projectable…  How many times have we heard this term from coaches, showcase operators and scouts. Let’s be blunt, it means you are a player with potential but you are expected to grow and you are expected to fill out.  But here is a simple question… What’s your trajectory?  Imagine, two 14 year-old players with equal talent, equal height, equal weight and equal metrics, do they have the same trajectory? Continue reading “You’re Projectable… But What’s Your Trajectory?”

Arm Care for Pitchers: Bullet Proofing the Shoulder

Arm Care - Part 1 Top Joint Image

Imagine this, a pitcher’s body that throws a baseball at 80-90+ mph achieves that speed from hand break to finish in 1.5-2 seconds.  That’s comparable to some of the fastest Italian sports cars out there.  Given the nature of this explosive movement, arm care for pitchers has to be at the top of list for every athlete.  However, I think a lot of folks don’t totally understand how to go about it. In this article, we are going to give it a try by discussing the shoulder and how we attempt to bullet proof it through our training programs. Continue reading “Arm Care for Pitchers: Bullet Proofing the Shoulder”